ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Weston Ochse is a former intelligence officer and special operations soldier who has engaged enemy combatants, terrorists, narco smugglers, and human traffickers. His personal war stories include performing humanitarian operations over Bangladesh, being deployed to Afghanistan, and a near miss being cannibalized in Papua New Guinea. His fiction and non-fiction has been praised by USA Today, The Atlantic, The New York Post, The Financial Times of London, and Publishers Weekly. The American Library Association labeled him one of the Major Horror Authors of the 21st Century. His work has also won the Bram Stoker Award, been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and won multiple New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. A writer of more than 26 books in multiple genres, his military supernatural series SEAL Team 666 has been optioned to be a movie starring Dwayne Johnson. His military sci fi series, which starts with Grunt Life, has been praised for its PTSD-positive depiction of soldiers at peace and at war. Weston likes to be called a chaotic good paladin and challenges anyone to disagree. After all, no one can really stand a goody two-shoes lawful good character. They can be so annoying. It's so much more fun to be chaotic, even when you're striving to save the world. You can argue with him about this and other things online at Living Dangerously or on Facebook at Badasswriter. All content of this blog is copywrited by Weston Ochse.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

On Teaching Writing

Talking with Michael Stackpole at Phoenix Comicon, I realized I was missing an opportunity.

You see, I like to teach. I've taught for a number of years at various military schools. I have a Master of Fine Arts so I conceivably have the creds to teach anywhere. I've even taught an online workshop called the Guerrilla Fiction Writing Workshop (GFWW). Both times I taught it, I had a full house and it was loads of fun. But as I lamented to Mike that I missed teaching, I looked over and saw -- low and behold -- various and sundry CD courses he was selling at his table. 21 Days to a Novel. The Secrets to Writing Fiction. And others. These were courses he'd taught-- is still teaching -- but are also being sold as CD classes, and as it turns out, online. In fact, he was teaching the class at the convention for some nice change.

Just as my friend Mort Castle does at conventions.

And Brian Keene.

And others.

You know, I can see something, but not really see it.

So I'm trying something. I'm seeing if my $99 class can sell for $9.99. GFWW is a pretty innovative approach to writing fiction, using screenwriting techniques and applying them to the preparation and writing of, in this case, a short story.

Here's the link to the class- Guerrilla Fiction Writing Workshop (Guerrilla Fiction Writing Series) Note that if you have Amazon Prime it's free for a short period of time. Nothing beats free. Do me a favor. If you do take advantage of the free sharing, please review it and or 'like' it.

This is a work in progress. I'm not super pleased with the way mobi skewed the internal formats. I'm still tweaking those. Hell, there's so much I don't know. All I do know is that I want to share. I want to teach.

I've already finished a class on Grammar.

I'm also working on a class on texturing the short story.

Next year I've been invited to teach a class at Comiccon next year. Hopefully I'll be back from Afghanistan in time to make it, because it's something I'd definitely like to do.

NOTE: I've since gone back and corrected much of the format errors. This should be a much cleaner version.

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